Naresuan University, Thailand and Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Indonesia, hereinafter referred to individually as Party and collectively as the Parties, agree to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to promote cooperation and exchange in mutually beneficial areas of research and education.
The Parties agree to the following:
I. The Parties agree to develop and implement the academic activities, including:
Exchanges of academic scholars and students, joint research projects, joint conferences, and joint academic and cultural programs.
II. Proposals for joint activities, the publication of results, arrangements for visits and exchanges, and the extent of each Party’s financial responsibility in a given activity, will be negotiated and agreed upon on a case-by-case basis, prior to the commencement of any activity.
III. The Parties agree to make every effort to seek funding for the activities stated above. The Parties will remain at all times as autonomous bodies, under no financial obligation to the other Party in respect of their participation in this MOU.
IV. This MOU will remain in force for a period of five years from the effective date above. Any amendment or modification to this MOU is subject to mutual consent.
V. Prior to the time of its expiry, this MOU may be renewed for a further period of five years, upon mutual consent of the Parties. Termination of this MOU should be made by the Parties with a written notice six months prior to proposed date of termination.
Signed on 29 July 2016.
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