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Faculty NEWS

Invitation to the 3nd PAWEES 2012 International Conference on Challenges of Water & Environmental Management in Monsoon Asia


PAWEES 2012 International Conference on “Challenges of Water & Environmental Managementin Monsoon Asia”
27-29 November 2012, Thailand
International Society of Paddy and Water Environment Engineering (PAWEES)
Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University (CU)
Faculty of Engineering at Kamphaengsaen, Kasertsart University (KU)
Royal Irrigation Department (RID)

Aims and Scope
The objective is to provide a platform for researchers, scientists, practitioners, and policy makers to share and present new advances, research findings, perspectives, and experiences in Paddy and Water Environment and related disciplines. Special attentions will be given to developing certain skills or competence, or general upgrading of performance ability for climate change adaptation, participatory irrigation and environmental management, and sustainable development in irrigation and drainage in the monsoon Asia.
The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers, scientists, and officials in the domain of interest from around the world topics of the conference are:
• Climate Change and Uncertainty
• Participatory Management for Irrigation Projects
• Emerging Technologies in Water Management
• Environmental Sustainability in Paddy Irrigation and Drainage

The official language of the conference will be English. All abstracts, papers and posters should be submitted in English.

DAY 1: PAWEES 2012 International Conference
DAY 2: PAWEES 2012 International Conference (cont.)
11th PAWEES Award Ceremony and Cultural events (Individual)
DAY 3: Technical tour to irrigation project and industrial estate (optional)

Registration fee:
- US$200 for international participants
- US$ 100 for Thai national participants and US$ 50 for Students

Participants or visitors must pre-register for the international conference on website:
http://project-wre.eng.chula.ac.th/watercu_eng/ because seating is limited and pre-registration closes on November 23, 2012

For more information, please see file attached.




วันที่ลงข่าว 22-10-2555

โดย : นิรันดร กาบบัว

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