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Faculty NEWS

Faculty of Engineering congratulations to Assistant Professor Dr. Somluk Wannarumol Gielarova, Lecturer at the Department of Industrial Engineering and master's degree and doctoral students who won first prizes in the Excellence and Innovation in the Arts contest at THE Awards Asia 2023 at the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.


Faculty of Engineering congratulations to Assistant Professor Dr. Somluk Wannarumol Gielarova, Lecturer at the Department of Industrial Engineering and master's and doctoral students Ms. Prapassorn Pradujphongphet Miss Choknithi Nakmethee Ms. Sunisa Sansri Mr. Khemmarat Chankam who won the first prize in the competition of excellence and innovation in the arts (Excellence and Innovation in the Arts) at THE Awards Asia 2023 stage at the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. with research results “Combining art and technology on the J-Gen shaping program to create 3D jewelry models automatically with the principles of generative design and artificial intelligence.” which is the result of research The only university in Thailand Ranked 1 of 8 universities in Asia and the Middle East for Excellence and Innovation in the Arts with the expertise of the researchers Emphasis on the combination of Art and technology meet creative fashion product design. It places designers at the center of the design process.

วันที่ลงข่าว 29-06-2566

โดย : ศรัณย์ พร้อมเทพ

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