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Faculty NEWS

SECRA Thailand Workshop will be held 6th-10th Feb 2023


The Project ‘SECRA’ or ‘Strengthening University-Enterprise Collaboration for Resilient Communities in Asia’ is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. It aims at tackling the often ad hoc, episodic quality of university-enterprise collaboration (UEC) in the field of disaster resilience in the project’s partner countries, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and the Philippines.

In the coming year 2023, Faculty of Engineering, Naresuan University, will host the SECRA Thailand Workshop. The workshop is planned to discuss policy which is related to University-Enterprise Collaboration (UEC) and Disaster Resilience (DR) issue among partner countries as well as to update work packages in the project among partner countries.

The participants will come from partner countries, for instance, Estonia, Philippines, Sweden, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom and Thailand. The workshop will be held on 6th – 10th February 2023 at Room EN617, Faculty of Engineering, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand. It will lead by Associate Professor Dr. Sarintip Tantanee (Acting President, Naresuan University), the Country Lead of the Project. The programme is in the following:

Project administrators:
(1) Dr.Panu Buranajarukorn Email: panub@nu.ac.th
(2) Dr.Orawan S. Apichayakul Email: orawana@nu.ac.th


วันที่ลงข่าว 29-12-2565

โดย : ศรัณย์ พร้อมเทพ

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